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What our Clients say

“Saadian PINS allows us to make fantastic [Offender] analysis, which really does put us on the front foot in the fight against organised criminality. PINS allows us to make strong network analysis of who are the armourers, who are the dealers, who are the money men, who are the accountants and who are the hit men. It’s hard to imagine that 5, 6, 7 years ago we didn’t have that capability. We had to go to Prisons to ask when an Offender was due to be released. Now we’re far more pro-active and achieved huge dividends for us with Saadian PINS”.

Assistant Chief Constable, Bob Evans: Head of Profession for the Police Prison Intelligence Network in England and Wales.

“I find PINS invaluable in my role in the National Intelligence Unit in NOMS. I use PINS every day to research prisoners and carry out corruption based intelligence research. The historic cell sharing view of an offender providers valuable intelligence that we can use to make the prisons a safer and more secure environment.”

Detective Chief Inspector – Donna Evans National Intelligence Unit, National Offender Management Service

“Some examples [of when Saadian PINS worked for our force] would be; recently we had information that a particular robbery was due to take place, we had information which stated the male that was going to carry out the robbery, had recently been released from prison (within the last three to four weeks), he was of mixed race and was from our area.

Despite there being many many people within the prison system that had been released within the last few weeks, (approximately 65,000 people in the prison system at the time), a 2 minute search of the Saadian PINS system, revealed only 9 people that fit the actual criteria we were given, so we could narrow down the field very much and prevent that robbery from taking place.

Within our Policing area we have approximately 12% of the people in the prison that we actually identify as serious criminals who operate in Organised Crime Gangs. Because of the Saadian PINS system we can monitor those people effectively. Even though they are in prison they can still be effective members of crime groups and appropriate action can be taken against them, to prevent and detect serious and organised crime”.

Detective – Force Intelligence, Lancashire Police

“Some of the other avenues where PINS helps is when looking at individuals who come out of prison who are prolific offenders. For offences such as domestic violence and organised crime where there’s clearly a risk to individuals and the public, and for those offenders that keep re-offending, PINS allows us to put in an early interjection and send officers around to go and visit these individuals assisting with prevention and effective offender management before new offences occur”

Detective Inspector – Force Intelligence Bureau Manager

“Our force has been closely involved with the evolution of PINS, and is pleased that Saadian continue to meet the needs and requirements of the police service. We are now able to gain a timely insight into offender management and when specific criminals are released into our communities we are able to monitor them more effectively. PINS allows us to create bespoke reports, units and searching parameters which are utilised in order to establish offender detail, release and intelligence such as NOK addresses, which were not previously available. The easy to use interface allows officers with limited IT experience the ability to establish the immediate whereabouts of offenders at all times. It is an invaluable intelligence tool which provides the facility to locate offenders with minuscule detail and has frequently provided a solution, where other intelligence systems have failed.”

Nishaa McKinney – RLO & EAW Liaison, Force Intelligence Branch, Greater Manchester Police

“PINS enables our intelligence officers to conduct pro-active intelligence work in prisons. The integration of PINS into existing intelligence systems extends visibility of prison information to a much wider audience.

Ian Page – Prison Intelligence, Surrey Police

“PINS represents a best-in-breed approach to prison intelligence and is considered a vital intelligence tool by our Police Force. PINS dramatically reduces detection time, improves operational efficiency and ultimately drives down the cost of investigative activity”.

Dan Onions – Force Intelligence Unit, Lancashire Constabulary Headquarters

“Since we upgraded to PINS we have had positive feedback from our divisional users who are experiencing significant benefits in having up to date prison information at their fingertips.”

DI Ian Bridge – Thames Valley Police

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